Saturday, April 16, 2011

Busy Day? Try Thai Food Tonight!

I have a full day of coaching soccer.  I'll be having lots of fruit and water while I'm out (I also brewed some of my favorite tea to tote around today) in the soccer field.  I'm going to need something light but spicy for dinner tonight.  I can't think of anything better than a bit of Red Curry with Shrimp and vegetables.  What do you think?

I'm not sure about your local grocery store but ours has a red curry sauce that doesn't have has coconut milk (which isn't's just the juice from inside of the coconut).  So, I'm going to cheat with this tonight rather than mixing up my own sauce.  (Sorry!  I am super busy today with birthday party drop-offs and coaching soccer!  No time to be Queen of the Kitchen!)

Here's What Ya Need:
Shrimp * Red Curry Sauce * Bamboo Shoots
Peas (fresh!) * Green Beans (fresh) * Steamed Rice

Here's What Ya Do:
1.  Cook shrimp, bamboo shoots, peas and green beans
     in a saute pan with red curry sauce.
2.  Steam white rice.
3.  Place in dishes.
4.  Place sauce mixture over rice! Enjoy!

I know, too simple for words, right?  I'm going to make a side salad with peanut or ginger-dressing to go with this dish.  I may even make a mango juice!  Enjoy this quick meal for dinner and be sure to give your thanks to God (and the cook!). ;)-

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